Saturday, February 2, 2013

Today is the Day!

Today is the OFFICIAL first day of IVF meds and I couldn't be more excited! I know that's kinda weird to think about... excited about shots?!

I went for my baseline ultrasound and labs Tuesday. My labs came back normal, but there was a slight issue on the ultrasound. They wanted me to wait a few days and call them back to see what to do. So, yesterday morning I called the nurse and bless her (she knows how I worry), says "I'm going to throw you a curve ball. I need you come in this morning as soon as you can." Yikes!! Luckily, it worked out so I was able to get there for ANOTHER round of labs and an ultrasound. I'm such a planner, and it really did throw me for a loop. I was nervous I was going to have to wait a few more days to actually start with the meds, which would have been TOTALLY okay. Glenn and I agreed that we've waited this long.. waiting a few more days for the "perfect conditions" is better than rushing it.

I can tell my hormones are wacky though because I had a total meltdown on the way to the doctor, talking to my mom! I think I'm just overly sensitive anyways, but it's like, I've got so many different things running through my mind! IVF, school (which I have to admit, my sweet babies make me laugh and forget all my worries), stuff to take care of at home, etc. But it's all good now. Nothing a good ol' cry can't fix! :)

Luckily, that afternoon, we got the call -- everything is good to start!! Huge sigh of relief!!

So here goes Day 1... I will do my injections this evening (ahem, actually, Glenn will do them for me), but I also will start taking an antibiotic (Doxycycline) twice a day. Glenn has to take it too. We both do this for a week to make sure we are both as healthy as can be! I heard it makes you a little sick to your stomach. I'm going to take mine with breakfast this morning and wait awhile before heading to the gym. Just to make sure I'm good to go, hah! I also have to take baby aspirin which is supposed to help make the embryos stick. I actually started taking that as soon as I got my schedule last week.

I have my first appointment next Tuesday where they will just do labs. Wednesday is the exciting day where I'll have an ultrasound too. It's really neat to watch because now I know what I'm looking for. Glenn's off that morning so he will get to come with me to that appointment. They may decide to change my meds (how much) at that point. We'll just have to wait and see!

It's definitely going to be a busy week, but I've been ready for this for awhile. I'm hoping this is our beginning to starting our little family!


  1. Woohoo! I am so happy for yall! I cant wait to be cool aunt Kelley. Let me know if you need anything!

  2. Yay!!! Thanks for the update!! Thinking about y'all constantly! We need a phone date soon! xoxox Beth
