Friday, February 15, 2013


What could have easily turned into a long, difficult week ended up being one of the best weeks I've had in awhile! AND, it was capped off by my birthday! I had an amazing time celebrating with my friends, students, and family yesterday. They really know how to make a girl feel special! :) It's really fun being able to celebrate with 24 second graders because I think they were even more excited than I was!! I got way TOO MUCH from them and their sweet families. I told them I was going to buy more shoes and they all groaned.

God seems to know what we need, when we need it. Not only did I have an amazing birthday, but I got not one, but TWO, very special reminders of why I love my job so much. I got 2 very heartwarming emails from families of past students. I hope they don't mind me sharing (I won't mention names), but it helped remind me that I am making a difference in these children lives. Their words were so touching and literally left me in tears. One of those sweet babies came to visit me yesterday and I told her... even though she has moved up, she will always be one of "mine." I love my job!

I started the hormone stuff on Monday... ran into my doctor at the gym on Wednesday. He was very, very nice and encouraging and told me (not everyone at the gym needs to know my business, right?) he is very confident that this will work. I told him I believe him and if I didn't, I wouldn't be sticking around! We chatted for a little bit more. And we ended with a "see you soon!" Hopefully it won't be long till I am in and out of his office every few days.

Until then, after a long conversation with a good friend, I decided this was my month to "let loose" and chill out a little. I've got to learn that even though I am a huge planner, I do not have control of everything. AND, as my Dad would say... "Stop being so uptight." So, you guys will probably roll your eyes and laugh, but I tried this week by making little steps. I still want to try to work out (um, hello, I can't afford to buy bigger clothes when fertility meds cost a bazillion dollars), but I have been cutting back on my time and intensity. I also ate Mexican food this week and DID NOT WORRY ABOUT WORKING OUT AFTER. I ate it and enjoyed it (y'all who know me, KNOW this is huge since I worry about everything!). AND THEN, last night, I told Mom I didn't want a birthday cake. I was really craving cookies from this small bakery near our house. I totally ate 3 of them.. yep, didn't even think twice. And boy, they were delicious. Totally worth it. In fact, she sent some home with me and I might even eat another one today!

I feel like such a rebel. Mom told me I need to drink more wine, but unfortunately I cannot mix that with some of the meds I am already taking. But I have some Crystal Light Margarita Mix so maybe that will count?! I can pretend.

No school today so I'm going to hang out with a friend from school. I'm looking forward to some "girl time." And then tonight I get to come home and CLEAN since my house is a disaster. Totally NOT fun. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

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