Tuesday, January 22, 2013

An Unexpected Gift

Who doesn't love gifts, right? Imagine my surprise when I walk into the teacher workroom and see a small, wrapped gift in my box! I tried to wait as long as I could to open it, but it was just screaming my name. Attached was a card so I decided to open that first. This is what it said:

"This necklace is for your new journey. It is filled with baby dust to bring you luck and well wishes. Attached are three special stones. A moonstone (often called the feminine stone) for fertility. It is also known to reduce anxiety. A blue lace agate for hope. And an amethyst for patience. I truly believe you will be a beautiful wonderful mother. This is a journey and you will reach the end. Stay positive... believe and you will succeed."

So, OF COURSE, I'm all kinds of crazy hormonal right now, but this made me cry (in a good way). It was SO thoughtful, and I cannot express how much this means to me (To that special person -- THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU!!) I know I've said this a million times, but Glenn and I can't thank you all enough for your love and support. We've got so many praying for us and encouraging us.. and it just makes my heart absolutely BURST with hope.

We got our insurance letter over the weekend.. authorizing the procedures for IVF. One part is outpatient surgery (yikes!!), but I hear it'll be the best nap of my life, haha. We will see. We have our IVF class tomorrow afternoon and we start with the appointments next week! Now it's starting to get real... so much of the time is spent waiting. Waiting for this and that.. and then all of a sudden things start to pick up!

On a sidenote, talk about awkward... seeing your doctor at the gym? Now, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my doctor. He is great, BUT, it's very difficult to keep your composure when you think about how WELL he knows you, if ya catch my drift. I had a nurse question to ask him, but was told by Glenn that harassing him at the gym was probably inappropriate.

I feel like I've got so many questions.. they just pop in my head at any given moment! I have a wonderful nurse friend who says she doesn't mind my Facebook questions (LOL, she can be honest with me if I'm bothering her!!). She AND Glenn told me I need to step away from Google and the Internet and relax. I'm trying... I think I finally convinced Glenn that a massage is what I need/want for my birthday. And maybe a cookie cake? YUM!

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