Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 5

Today was ultrasound day! I love those days because you can really see what's going on. Not too much today. They said I have lots of follicles in there, but they are still relatively small, which is normal this early. My estrogen needed a boost so I had to start with another medicine last night. This one is just an estrogen patch that I change out every 3 days. It's teeny tiny, but that little booger worked. It went from under 10 yesterday to 38 this morning.
They did up my meds for tonight though! This is where things start getting a little crazy. This is the dose they upped me to with my last IUI attempt. A few days at this dosage and things just started growing like crazy! I have my next appointment on Friday morning and I cannot wait!! Glenn is off work so he'll be able to come too. I have a hard time seeing the monitor during the ultrasound (I can't see far away and I don't wear my glasses in there because that's just weird) so he's in charge of figuring out what is being measured and how many follicles are there.
Last night I was laying in bed and it was so strange... My body just feels so weird! I know it's all the hormones and medicines I'm taking. Nothing hurts too bad... just some stomach craps and lower back pain every now and then, but I can't explain it. Glenn just laughed at me... Oh men. They just don't understand. ;)
Speaking of weird, I went to the gym today because I've been trying to do SOMETHING while I still can. I had just gotten off the phone with the people from pre-op and who should I see parked right behind me at the gym, getting out of his car? But my doctor! I didn't see him at my appointment this morning, but he told me he saw my ultrasound pictures and everything looked good. We chatted about things for a bit, like I was sitting in his office! Too funny! I really like him though... He is one of those doctors that really seems to care about his patients. Glenn would have been so embarrassed though. He thinks I shouldn't speak health stuff with him at the gym, BUT the doctor brought it up!
On another side note... how about it finally clicked that this is really happening while I answered some questions for the pre-op people (I'm sure they have an official name, but I don't really know what it is). They asked some simple questions, but then they asked if I had a will, who would make decisions on my behalf if something happened, etc. Yikes! I know it's all routine questions, but wow. They want someone waiting for me in the waiting room (duh, Glenn HAS to come), and told me I need someone to drive me home because of course I would want to drive myself home, right?
I'm just so full of excitement!! As of now, the retrieval is still planned for Valentine's Day, but they keep telling me it could change. Valentine's Day AND my birthday... I'll have to ask them to light some candles and play some romantic music... set the mood a little?
Thank you for all your sweet comments, prayers, hugs, etc. I appreciate you guys asking and checking on me throughout the week!

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