Tuesday, March 19, 2013


So, so, so, so, so HAPPY!!

We've had two AWESOME appointments this week! I went in Sunday morning before church and luckily my doctor was the one doing the weekend shift. Apparently my ultrasound looked promising and my estrogen had gone up again into the 400s. We chatted for a bit... he told me he was very happy with the way this cycle was going! Apparently it's going better than my previous IUI cycle (where I overproduced). He seems to know me pretty well because he asked me how was I doing and I told him I was okay... Then he asked me again -- How are you really feeling? He explained to me why this IVF cycle seemed to be going so well as opposed to my last IVF attempt. He knows how nervous I am about all this and he keeps reassuring me everything is going right on track so far!

I went back again this morning and they were measuring away!! MANY follicles on my left and right side. My largest so far is 13mm. The IVF nurse and the ultrasound lady kept commenting how "beautiful" it all looked. My follicles are also grouped together which is a good thing. And get this... my estrogen jumped up to 1200 -- something or other. MAJOR plus!! They dropped my meds for tonight and tomorrow, and I go back on Thursday morning. I had to also add in another injection today -- Cetrotide -- which stops my body from ovulating on its own. Thank goodness for our sweet school nurse who was able to do my shot! Glenn does all my shots at home because I'm pretty much a big baby, but it was one of those things where when I was told to take this, I take it, no questions asked! I had one stored at school, just in case!

I really cannot wait to go back on Thursday! I asked when they were aiming for egg retrieval and the nurse said Saturday at the earliest, but more than likely Sunday or Monday. Which would put my transfer midweek next week. I don't feel pain or sick or anything like that... but I can feel some pressure in my sides. Sometimes it's uncomfortable to sit a certain way because I feel like something's poking me. Dear lord, all I want to wear is something loose and comfortable. Dresses will become my new best friend, however, I hear it's supposed to get cold again. Don't judge if it's 30s and I show up, white legs and all, in a dress.

I've been spending my time after school with my grandparents. Grandpa's not doing too well. We got a hospital bed over the weekend for him, and he is on an oxygen tank. He seems to perk up after dinner (he isn't eating too much) and we get a chance to talk. He doesn't respond with much, but some. Last night Nana told me he was sick and that's why he doesn't talk. This was big for her because she couldn't understand why he wouldn't talk back to her in the beginning. She kept saying he was mad at her and that's why. But what's funny is Grandpa was trying to say something last night and Nana goes, "Don't listen to him.. he is sick. He doesn't know what he's talking about."

She has been our comic relief in all this... she gets all her stories confused and today she told my cousin that everyone thought she was adopted. She also told me she would travel all over to watch me be in parades and I used to do the flag. Apparently I was pretty good. She also told me her grandparents LOVED me (never met them). And my mom gave her these canisters she has in her kitchen as a wedding present (can you figure out the logistics in that one)?

It has kinda become my routine to go and eat dinner over there... spend some time with Mom, Nana, and Grandpa. Jessie comes when she can and Amy, my cousin, will be here till tomorrow. I look forward to seeing what funny things Nana will say! Mom did say earlier today she was asking Mom how I was doing. Mom tried explaining to her that Glenn and I were having to go to a doctor to try to have a baby, and she wanted to know how that was going. When Mom told her things were going good (without too many details), she said Nana got so excited.

Of course, later that night, Nana told me she just loved the two girls I had. She never had girls and would love when they would come over and play... (sigh).

1 comment:

  1. SO glad to hear everything is going in the right direction!! We can't wait to hear "I'M HAVIN A BABY" from you and your hubby :)

    All fingers & toes are crossed, crossed, and DOUBLE crossed here in Texas <3
