Saturday, March 16, 2013

I've Been Keeping a Secret...

So, I've been keeping a bit of a secret from a lot of you. Glenn and I started our new IVF cycle LAST Saturday. I didn't want to make a big deal of it in case things didn't go the way they were supposed to (i.e. like the last attempt). However, we got EXCELLENT news yesterday! My estrogen level has gone from 15 to 40 to 182! I've got several follicles growing, almost large enough for them to measure (they usually have to be around 10mm before they measure). The ultrasound lady's exact words were, "You are about to bloom!"

We went ahead and continued with our preop appointment and I go back on Sunday to monitor and see what's happening in there. I am cautiously excited! I don't want to get my hopes up too high. I told Glenn sometimes I wish we HAD made it through the last cycle and it just didn't work because then I wouldn't be constantly comparing everything to that. I was too excited after hearing my news yesterday that I told several people so the cat is pretty much out of the bag. I would appreciate any and all prayers for another GREAT appointment tomorrow. I keep thanking God every night for what he's doing and I just hope this is finally the right time for our family.

I've also been doing acupuncture. I went twice this week and I will go twice after my transfer. Apparently it's supposed to increase your chances of a successful IVF. I REALLY, REALLY enjoy it. Yesterday I fell asleep. You would think if you had all these pins (or needles.. not sure what to call them) sticking out of you it would be difficult to relax, but totally NOT the case. If you are looking for a new way to help with stress or pain, I'm tellin' you... give it a try!

I feel pretty okay... just really tired by the end of the day. My sides are hurting a little bit and my back, but I hear that's normal. If it means my ovaries are producing possible babies, bring it. I can handle it. I've been told it could be more uncomfortable the further we get into the process. I've stopping running and am probably going to stick with walking. I woke up this morning with the full intention of going to the gym, but that didn't happen. Jessie and I are going to go walk downtown later today.

On a much sadder note, my Grandpa was diagnosed with cancer about a week and a half ago. Everything has happened so suddenly. They think it's pancreatic cancer, but they do know it has spread. I've been going to visit him and Nana frequently. Poor Nana has some health problems as well, such as dementia. Last Saturday she forgot I was married (she thought Glenn was my brother... Now, THAT would be awkward), and when I told her, she claimed no one had told her. So I brought her a picture of our wedding day, a picture SHE was in, and she was so tickled. She said she was going to treasure it and would not let go of it.

Grandpa is home and he's slow and sleeps a lot. BUT, he sure has his appetite. Last night he asked for some ziti AND pizza! And Glenn's mom would nice enough to make him a pound cake (his favorite). He's excited about that. My mom has been going through their papers, trying to get things organized and she came across letters my Nana saved from when Grandpa was in World War 2. She let us (my cousins are here for the weekend) read them last night. Talk about COOL. Grandpa doesn't talk much about the war in his letters, but he's always giving Nana a hard time about not having to work and taking mini vacations. :) It was neat to have a sneak peak into their lives way before any of us were even a thought.

Yesterday I was asked how I feel about Grandpa being sick. I am sad, but I feel in my heart that him and Nana are ready to be somewhere together where neither one of them hurts. They aren't themselves. Nana doesn't remember much and seems sad. I know Heaven will be a place for them where they can do all the things they haven't been able to do these past few years. And I'm sure Grandpa will be the one up there telling God what to do. They are both in their 90s and have been married for 65 years. They've been through so much.. and are such amazing people. I love them very much.

So, I would appreciate a lot of prayers, if you don't mind. Prayers that things continue to go well for our IVF cycle. Prayers that my Grandpa and Nana aren't in much pain. Prayers of strength for my Mom who has been working very hard to take care of them.

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