Friday, March 29, 2013

And now we wait...

My transfer was Tuesday morning and compared to the retrieval... it was nothin'! I was just pumped because we had to be there at 7:30am (it was scheduled for 9am) and we got a private room with a TV to chill in before it was time to go. Nothing like a lil' Boy Meets World before showtime, right?!

The doctor came in to talk with us before they got ready to take me back. We got to see a picture of our 2 beautiful embryos. I've never fallen in love so quickly! :) He quickly walked us through the process, and then it was time to go!

Glenn couldn't go with me so he had to go wait in the outpatient waiting area. They took me to the same room I was in on Saturday. For the embryo transfer, I didn't have to be put to sleep so I was wide awake. You notice a lot more about the room... There's a little window in the wall that opens right to their laboratory (where they've been keeping my embryos). The nurse explained to me that the eggs go out that window into the lab and then come back in through that little window. There were a good bit of people in the room with us this time... but after going through this whole process, unfortunately, you have no more shame. There was the OR nurse, the doctor, a med student doing his IVF rotation, and the ultrasound tech (the SAME sweet lady from the office who has been doing most of my ultrasounds through this whole process.. so happy to see her!).

The whole process did not hurt.. kinda like a trip to the girl doctor (don't we ladies ALL love that appointment). They use the ultrasound to make sure they release the embryos in a good spot in the uterus. I was turned away from the monitor so I couldn't actually see it happen, but the doctor kept telling me exactly what he was doing, while he did it. Literally, took, maybe 7 minutes.

Afterwards, I was left with the OR nurse in the same room... laying head down, feet up for 15 minutes. The nurse was hilarious. I didn't have to say much because she did A LOT of the talking... she "cleaned house" for a bit and then told me that working there was very similar to what people see in Grey's Anatomy. She also told me she has to watch what she posts on Facebook because there's someone in HR who pretty much only stalks employees, waiting to find reason to fire them. She can't post anything about leaving early or taking a mental health day... I asked her how much they get paid, because, c'mon... I'm a pretty good Facebook stalker. She said more than she makes. Maybe I will look into it..?

After my 15 minutes was up, I was finally wheeled into a recovery room, but I had to stay tilted. Luckily Glenn was able to come with me and wait. It was too awkward to try to figure out how to watch TV so we just talked about all kinds of stuff. We talked to my belly too, begging those embryos to stick.

Finally, my HOUR, was up. Thank goodness, because I was sick and tired of looking at the sky out the window. We came home and took it easy pretty much all day. They don't necessarily want strict bed rest, but they encourage you to sit/lay down a good part of the day. I took Wednesday off too (oops, I hope no one finds reason to fire me for that), just for peace of mind. I was able to move around a little more, which was nice.

So, now we just wait. I have to continue taking estrogen and progesterone, two important hormones for pregnancy. I can't do any strenuous exercise or lift heavy things. I didn't have to carry in ANY groceries from the store today.. I could get used to this!! :)  We do have Spring Break all next week so I'm currently trying to make plans to keep me busy and my mind occupied (holla at a girl if you're bored!!). I thought since I have all this "free" time, I would maybe start cooking. I figured I'd be more worried about trying not to burn my house down rather than what's going on in my belly. I started easy today with some Italian Pasta. It's been sitting in the fridge all day and I can't wait to try it tonight!

I'm continuing with the acupuncture too. Anything that could possibly help. I went this afternoon and fell asleep. It was a very nice nap. Since Tuesday, I make sure I take a little bit of time to talk to my belly and try to encourage those embryos to stay. I think they will be very happy there. I hope they agree!  

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