Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Another Christmas has come and gone! We've had our Christmas decorations up since October so it'll be weird not having them up anymore. I started taking some of them down today... So sad!

We had a great Christmas with both families. We went to Glenn's mom's on Christmas Eve and spent time with them. It's always nice to get together.. my nephews are growing up so quickly! They are hilarious to listen to though. On Christmas Day, I woke up and cooked breakfast for Glenn. It doesn't happen very often.. in fact, I think that's the first time I've used my stove in several months. Nothing fancy -- pancakes and biscuits, but it's the thought that counts, right?! :)

We pretty much were lazy slobs all day. Although, usually around this time of the year, I go into a huge organizing frenzy, and I just want to get rid of all this junk we have laying around the house. We tackled the closet under the stairs. We didn't throw away much, but we definitely organized and labeled all our boxes. My goal is to tackle a closet or room each day I'm home. I DID go through some of my shoes, and I decided to finally let go of this pointy high heel shoes I will probably never wear. I'm going to offer them to Jessie first and whatever she doesn't want, will go to Goodwill.

That evening we went over to my Mom and Dad's house. We had a delicious dinner and ate waaayy too much sweets. I definitely came home in a sugar coma. Good thing Jessie and I walked for over an hour earlier in the day. Today starts back the diet and working out. Luckily I am FINALLY working up to running at least a full 30 minutes without stopping since getting sick. Getting over the flu is more work than I thought!

Overall, we had a very blessed Christmas. I enjoyed spending time with my family, but it was still a little difficult. Had our last treatment worked, we would have known by now if I was pregnant or not. Although I am extremely thankful for all the gifts I recieved, a baby was all I wanted.

I met up with a friend a few days ago for a run. We have been keeping in touch via Facebook and even though our situations are different, we are both struggling with getting pregnant. It was nice to talk to someone who knows exactly what you're going through. There's such a mix of emotions that goes along with everything -- sadness, anxiety, anger, confusion. It's difficult to talk about with someone who hasn't been through that struggle with infertility. Being part of this club is no fun.

I try not to let the negative emotions and feelings bring me down often. Who wants to be around a grump? I try to focus on the positive as much as possible, but when you want something SO bad and for SO long... But I keep reminding myself that my time will come, one way or another. And it will be the happiest time. This struggle is making me a stronger person and when I finally do become a mother, I will make every moment the most memorable I can.

Here's to hoping that this time next year, we will have a precious baby to snuggle with.

1 comment:

  1. I love your're so positive and I believe that February will be SUCH a special month for you! I can't wait to hear how the process goes. I'm praying for you each day!! :) It was wonderful to see you.
