Saturday, December 8, 2012


One of my favorite things to do is spend time with my parents. We each have different things that we like to do together. Mom and I will go shopping, sometimes I will go with her to take Nana (her mom) out and about, and other fun type things. Dad and I usually run together (although both of us haven't been doing too much of that lately, OOPS!) and we like to EAT together.

Thursday night I decided to be adventurous and go out on a school night. It's sad when you feel like staying out past 9 on a school night is crazy! We ate dinner at Smoke on the Water (cornbread, YUM!!) and, then we went to go see It's A Wonderful Life at the Greenville Little Theater. I have never seen the movie all the way through so I wasn't sure exactly what it was about, BUT, I LOVED it!! One of our close family friends gave us the tickets because it was a special event to raise money for the GCYO. They had a dessert bar beforehand and again, YUM!! I was warned to watch my sugar intake because of one of the meds I am currently taking, but I couldn't help myself! There were some delicious gingerbread cookies that were dipped in some kind of frosting... lordy. It was worth it. :)

They also had a silent auction and Mom bid on some of the stuff. We actually won three things! One of them was this super cute reindeer serving bowl that I had to have...

I'm not sure where it will go yet, but I love it.
This morning Dad and I woke up early and went to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast and then Best Buy. WHO KNEW IT TOOK SO LONG TO PICK OUT A TV? It was Dad's Christmas present to himself. He picked out a nice one -- with my help, of course! It's huge and will probably be loud. It has 3-D capabilities. I told him I would totally bling out my glasses for when I came over to watch stuff.

It's funny how growing up, like a typical teenager, my parents annoyed me. Now, I LOVE spending time with them. Even if I'm just taggin' along. They have been wonderful parents and I love them so much! It's a good thing I only live about 5 minutes away. They'll never be able to get rid of me. It'll be even better when Jessie, my sister, moves back down here. Talk about goofy... we feed off each other and get into all kinds of shenanigans. I'm glad she will be here when we start IVF because I know she will be there to make me laugh!

Glenn's off tomorrow so I'm hoping I feel better. I'm feeling kind of icky right now. I've been sick (cold/sinus) since before Thanksgiving and thought I had finally kicked it this week. Guess not... but no fever. Let's hope it stays that way! We're supposed to go out to lunch with his parents so I better not be sick!!

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