Saturday, June 29, 2013

Letters for Cooper

My grandma on my Dad's side is always encouraging me to keep a journal of experiences I've had, like funny stories from my kids at school. She gave me a blank journal when we first started our IVF journey and told me to write down everything that happened and what we went through. I kind of do that with this blog, so I put the journal aside. I'm slowly starting to get some energy back (however, it's totally zapped by about 2pm) and have been trying to get some cleaning and organizing done. I came across the journal earlier this week and decided I could use it for Cooper. Glenn and I are going to write letters to her throughout the pregnancy and childhood. At some point (when she graduates or gets married.. haven't decided yet) we will give her the journal of letters. I wrote my first letter to her. It's so fun to think about the future and my heart keeps bursting with joy and love each time I think about sweet Cooper (which is approximately 97% of my day).

Glenn spent most of his first day of vacay painting her room. It's almost finished and the color looks fantastic!! We are going this week to get the crib. Glenn told me yesterday, "Cooper makes me so excited to get things done. Before, I was just blah, but now I want everything to be perfect for her." Sweet, huh? I am pretty sure Cooper already has Daddy wrapped around her finger. I will definitely post pictures once things are somewhat in order. We still have some things we need to clear out of the room. Fox doesn't quite know what to think. He's used to sleeping on the bed in there and looking out the window. He knows something is changing, but I'm not sure if the King of the House knows what he has in store. His lazy days of quiet will soon be over. But I think he'll be okay. :)

Also, one of my good friends from college found out she's pregnant too! She's about a month behind me. It's been fun exchanging symptoms and talking baby stuff. We've been shopping a few times and have already decided our little ones will be friends. Play dates are already being planned. It's nice having someone to talk to that is going through the same thing at the same time. It makes me feel a little less crazy than I already feel, haha. I got my hair done yesterday and my wonderful stylist told me I've got double the hormones flowing right now -- mine and Cooper's! But I wouldn't change anything ONE BIT.

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Cooper's First Letter
Dear Cooper,
     Two days ago we found out we were having a sweet, precious little girl -- you! We knew we were pregnant back in April and we've been anxiously waiting to see if we need to buy blue or pink. Your Daddy and I have been waiting a long time for you. It hasn't always been easy, but I knew God would give us a sweet miracle. It took me a long time to realize everything happens according to His timing. The day we found out we were having you was bittersweet. My grandpa had passed away and his funeral was that day. In fact, we were late because we had to make a stop at the doctor. You brought a lot of happiness to us all on such a sad day. Every night as I say my prayers, I thank God for you. You have been the best gift I've ever gotten and you're not even here yet! Daddy wanted to get your room started right away so he has been busy painting. I've been stocking up on the super cute clothes. You will be in here in December, right before Christmas. You have a lot of people who love you already! Your Daddy and I love you more and more everyday. I can't wait till you start moving, and I can actually feel it! I don't know if you can hear us yet, but we love talking to you. I want to enjoy every moment of you being in my belly, but I can't help thinking about the future. How different our lives will be! My wish is that you continue to grow strong and healthy in my belly! We love you sweet Baby Cooper Starr!
Love, Mommy

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