Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer's Over :(

Technically summer was over for me last Monday, but tomorrow the kids return.. so it seems more official. I'm ready for a new school year, but I'm hoping it'll help the time pass quickly till Cooper gets here! We've been busy working on getting things ready in her nursery and MOST of it is finished. Our crib came last week and that was the one thing I was nervous about. We've had bad furniture experiences and I kept having nightmares that they gave the crib to someone else! Yikes! But it came and it looks beautiful. I will post pictures of the finished room soon. We still have some little things to get ready, but it's definitely my favorite room in the house. I love going in there when I wake up or before I go to bed and just looking around or rearranging her clothes (which she has a TON of). I can't wait till Cooper's finally here although I'm sure we still have a bazillion things to take care of before she gets here. I keep telling her I can't wait, but she needs to wait till December.

We've been so overwhelmed by the love and support we've gotten from everyone! Another reason Cooper is spoiled rotten, but that's totally okay. :) We thank everyone for the kind words and sweet gifts.

We have 2 more monthly appointments (one this week) and then we go to every other week. I'm betting my glucose test will be next month and I'm a little worried about that. I've been TRYING to eat healthy, but sometimes, I just gotta have that extra cookie. And it seems lately I've been even hungrier. I am assuming Cooper's getting ready to hit another growth spurt. The nurse in one of the classes I took said usually around 24 weeks that's what happens. I was 23 weeks exactly yesterday. 

The highlight of my week is that I FINALLY found a pair of maternity jeans that I like. It only took like ten different pairs. They are a little long, but I can take care of that. I tell you what, I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to give up the stretchy stomach. It makes clothing so much more comfortable!

I'm starting to feel her kick a little. It's not very strong yet.. They told me at the doctor's office that because of where the placenta is (smack dab in the front), it might take me a little longer to feel movement. If I lay still in the mornings or at night, sometimes she will go crazy. I just like to sit there and enjoy. I'll enjoy even more when I can feel them on a more regular basis. Glenn keeps trying to feel them too, but she stops whenever someone puts their hand on my belly. Stubborn little one!

17 more weeks to go and I'm loving every single minute of it. I told Glenn I'm pumped because Cooper gets to come to school with me for a bit. He just thought I was weird, but I love watching my belly grow and experiencing all of pregnancy (good and bad). I continue to thank God for this wonderful miracle!

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