Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Same Ol' Question

It never fails.. that dreaded question comes up, "When are you going to have another one?" Glenn and I tend to laugh the question off, but sometimes it makes me want to scream. Cooper is JUST 13 weeks old. 13 weeks that have been the quickest yet slowest weeks of my life. It took us 3 years and many attempts to finally get our little miracle baby. I had three years of wishing and waiting for dirty diapers, smiles and coos, little clothes, and having someone so little depend on ME to keep them alive! Three years of silently crying inside as I watched all my friends with their babies, wondering when it would be my turn.

I spent 9 months excitedly awaiting the arrival of Miss Cooper. We planned her nursery, bought lots of clothes, enjoyed baby showers, worried about being good parents, etc. Over 12 hours of labor later (and a week and a half early), our lives changed. So much planning, yet you are still never prepared for your new job as a parent.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it took us so long to get to this point. We just want to enjoy every minute of it. We want to concentrate on the present and not necessarily the future just yet. Like I said, these past 13 weeks have gone by so quickly, and Cooper is changing so much each day. Why can't we just focus our attention on her for this moment in our lives? In the blink of an eye, she'll be older and I won't be able to cuddle her or carry her around. God gave us this tiny miracle and I want to enjoy every single moment with JUST her.

Maybe one day we will be ready for another. Who knows what our future does hold, but I know at this moment, I've got a cutie napping upstairs who has my heart. She means more to me than she will ever know.

Photo by: Melissa Haas

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