Sunday, March 9, 2014

3 Months Old

Cooper Booper, you are 3 months old!

We took several 3 months pictures and this was the best one. You weren't in a very photogenic mood that day! :)  We are starting to see so much of your personality these days. You are the happiest in the mornings and I love when I'm the one that gets to wake you up. You are still fighting those naps during the day, but we typically get one solid 2-3 hour nap in at some point (most days). If you aren't having a good napping day, we put you to bed earlier and that seems to help. Usually we start our bedtime routine anywhere between 7 and 7:30. You're sleeping about 11 hours at night which makes Mommy and Daddy happy!! Those early days we didn't think we'd ever get a solid night's sleep again. Luckily Mommy takes after HER Mommy and is a morning person so waking up at 7 or 7:30 (on the weekends) is not something I will NOT complain about!

Yesterday you surprised us all by drinking a total of 33oz in one day! Usually you take about 27 or 28. I'm thinking you just went through a growth spurt because I feel pretty certain you grew while at Mrs. Pam's one afternoon. You seemed way bigger when I saw you later that day.

You seem to enjoy playing on your mat a lot more. You are cooing so much more now and love when Mommy and Daddy sing to you. It's so weird to watch you during tummy time because I am constantly amazed by how much MORE you are able to do. You are quickly becoming a pro at holding that head up and we can't wait to try out some of the toys we have for you! We did get you a new swing because of one particular movement you like. Daddy was able to do it, but with you getting bigger, it hurts his arm.

You went on your first real restaurant visit earlier this week with Mommy, Aunt Kelly, Uncle Brian, and your cousins. Mommy was REAL worried, but you did pretty good. You only got cranky towards the end and I think that's because it was getting close to bedtime. You do love going on walks though. We go with Miss Lauren and her furry baby Winston when we can. Hopefully with the weather getting warmer, we can make that a nightly ritual. Fefe and I took you to Furman last week and we walked for about an hour and a half and then people watched. You loved watching the ducks splashing in the water.

I can't believe you are not a newborn anymore. You're in size 2 diapers and can wear some 3-6 month clothes. I can't wait to see how much you change this month. Mommy and Daddy just love you to pieces. Daddy is taking vacation soon and gets to spend a whole week with you! I'm quite jealous, but I did get 11 weeks... Plus this summer!!

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