Thursday, November 28, 2013

Any day now..

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in forever. By the time I get home from work, I don't feel like doing much except propping up my feet and watching a little Real Housewives. Or a Lifetime Christmas movie. I can't believe we are nearing the end of November!

So, after 9 months of carrying this little bundle of joy in my belly, we are officially in the waiting period. We went to the doctor on Tuesday and she seemed a little surprised at how far along I seem to be at 37+4 days. After hearing what she said, Glenn and I disagree on her next words ... Glenn swears she said, "Probably not this week," however, I heard, "Probably not next week." She seems to believe I will make it around 39 weeks, which happens to be next Saturday. Either way, I honestly feel like it could be any day now with some of the other fun symptoms I've been experiencing! Of course, I say that and watch me end up making it PAST my due date (please, no). I'm terrified to go anywhere alone for fear I go into labor and have no one with me to think clearly. I like to think I'm relatively good in an emergency situation, but when you become the emergency... it's a little different. Luckily my sister took me to the mall yesterday (before Black Friday) to finish up the final bit of my Christmas shopping. DONE. Check that off the list.

I've spent this whole pregnancy daydreaming of what life will be like once Cooper gets here, but now that it's almost here, I'm a little nervous! Glenn and I were talking today and he goes, "It's one thing when she's in your belly. If we take care of you, we take care of her, but once she's out, we are responsible for her." I've spent so much time praying that we will make good parents for this little miracle of ours. We cannot thank God enough for her and even though we are both scared/nervous/anxious, we can't wait to meet her. I hope she knows how much we love her already! As I write this, I can see and feel her just a squirming around! I like to think she knows I'm talking, err.. typing about her!

We did finally put the finishing touches on her room yesterday. It is by far my favorite room ever. I like to go in there and just look around and touch all her stuff. I took some pictures with my phone, but they aren't the best. I will post some once I get some better ones. It's just such a sense of calm when I go in there.. I love it.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Glenn and I enjoyed a lazy day of just being together. We figure our days are numbered (for a good reason!), so we took full advantage of that today. Our lives are about to change in a big way and I can't imagine sharing this with anyone except him. We both have so much to be thankful for this year. We are very blessed and not a day goes by that I don't thank God for the many, many blessings he has given us.

Now.. I shall go eat another piece of pumpkin pie (hey, Cooper likes it) and catch a little TV. The waiting game continues...

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be great parents. The way you already care so deeply for her and are so concerned about the responsibility ahead... just wait! It is so much deeper and more amazing once you see her and hold her and learn her little quirks and personality! The most challenging thing I have ever done is become a parent... but it is SOOO rewarding and amazing.
