Monday, October 7, 2013

First Baby Shower and Pictures

This past Sunday we had our first baby shower! I was so excited to celebrate little Miss Cooper. Glenn's mom and my sister in law, Kelly, hosted the shower. They definitely went above and beyond!! It was a wonderful shower and a great chance to spend time with friends and family.

The theme was pink and animal print! Definitely my style!!

The food was delicious! We had 2 types of cupcakes and of course, I had to try both of them. One for me and one for Cooper. They were yummy!!

More of the decorations...

This was Glenn's contribution to the shower. We got there early and they had streamers to put up. Since Glenn is a giant, we put him in charge. Oh Glenn...

We are so thankful for all the gifts we got! Lots of pink which sweet baby girl will love. We also got some gift cards which will definitely come in handy. We plan on putting those towards some of the bigger items we still need!

I was really bad about taking pictures once everyone got there. It wasn't until the end, after people started leaving, that I started taking pictures. Annie, my friend from college and a sorority sister, came! She is also preggers! She is exactly 4 weeks behind me and she's having a girl too! We've already decided that they are going to be BFFs. Lots of baby play dates in our future! :)

And my sweet sister! She got Cooper this awesome little step stool with her name on it. I've got one just like it from when I was younger. It hasn't come yet, but I will make sure I post pictures when it does!
This is when it finally starts getting real that we are having a baby... in 10 short weeks!! I hit the 30 week mark on Saturday and I'm starting to stress out! Just about making sure everything is perfect for our little one. We've waited so long for this sweet miracle and it's hard to believe that soon we will get to meet her. We went to have a 4D ultrasound done a couple weeks ago and the pictures were amazing. Cooper would not move her hands away from her face. We tried everything, but she's pretty stubborn. She must take after her dad.

I love how she's giving a thumbs up in this picture.

Ahh... melts my heart!! God is so so good. I just continue to pray that the rest of this pregnancy goes smoothly and Cooper is as healthy as can be. We are waiting patiently for you baby girl. As much as we can't wait to meet you, we want you to wait till December to get here. :) We've still got a lot to do!!
I've got a couple more showers coming up and I can't wait! We are also in the midst of rearranging our living room. I woke up Saturday morning and decided we needed to get rid of furniture. So we did. Both sofas. And got a new one. We have more empty space and I'm on the lookout for a chair, but no rush. I want to make sure we've got plenty of room for baby stuff because it's slowly taking over. I guess the nesting has set in because I'm tired of all the clutter. If we don't need it or haven't used it, I'm tossing it.
I'm looking forward to these last 10 weeks and plan on enjoying this last stretch of being pregnant! We love y'all!

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