Wednesday, February 12, 2014

2 Months Old

** This is a week late! **

Cooper, you are 2 months old! We are amazed at how much you have changed in just a couple months. At your 2 month appointment, you were measuring 23in long and 10lbs 15oz. You are still in the upper percentile for height and slowly going up in weight, although, I would have to say that in just the past few days, I'm sure you've put on a few ounces. You are eating anywhere from 4 to 6oz (lately closer to 6oz!). You've also started making this higher pitched squealing cry when we stop to burp you. It's like you are scared we aren't going to let you finish. We just think it's funny.

About a week ago, you turned into Miss Grumpy and I'm sure it's because you refuse to take naps during the day. You will catnap for about 30 minutes in your room after playtime, but then you're up. I've learned you will fall asleep in your swing downstairs if I put you in there when I start seeing those yawns so I've given up forcing you to nap in your crib. I really think you've associated the crib with nighttime and that's okay. You like being where everyone else is, even if you're asleep. You've started sleeping WAY longer spurts at night and this makes me AND Daddy extremely happy! We've pretty much eliminated that middle of the night feeding, however, I'm still not quite convinced this will last. I always wake up on edge at around 2:30-3am, knowing you are bound to wake up at some point. You did a few nights ago and ended up "talking" yourself back to sleep. Sweetest sounds to wake up to!
You love sticking your tongue out and you drool A LOT. You smile when you see either me or Daddy. When we sing, you try to sing too. You are still not a fan of tummy time. You do better holding your head up when we're holding you, but we are working on the tummy time. We can usually get a little bit in before a meltdown occurs. You are starting to really love your baths which makes getting ready for bed so much more enjoyable for all! You even gave me a few smiles the other night.
I was supposed to go back to work today, but it snowed! And I won't be going back tomorrow either which means I've got a few more days of snuggles. :)  I'm scared you will forget me during the day when I'm at work. MY mom keeps telling me that will never happen. You will still be with Daddy on his days off and then with Mama Debbie or Mrs. Pam on days he does work. We went to visit Mrs. Pam the other day and she is VERY excited to have you! I'm sure you will be spoiled rotten. Knowing you will be with people who love you very much makes going back to work a little easier... AND knowing we will have the WHOLE summer together!
We love you very much Miss Coop! Even when you are grumpy, I could still just pinch your little chubby cheeks! We can't wait to see how much you change in the upcoming months!