Sunday, January 12, 2014

Some Things I've Learned About Motherhood So Far

1) My house will never be clean again. Clean while she's sleeping? Or while she's with Daddy? Psh, I use that time to shower, catch up on Facebook, or just sit. 

2) The washing machine has become my new best friend. There was really no need to buy a hamper because the majority of her dirty clothes have to be washed ASAP before the stains set in. 

3) Glenn and I eat in shifts. Never fails that as soon as we sit down to eat, Cooper is awake. And screaming because she wants to eat when we do. 

4) Accept help AND don't be afraid to ask for it. Need a nap? Call your mom-in-law. Need to go grocery shopping? Call your mom. Yogurt Mountain date with your hubby? Call your sister-in-law. They all will jump at the chance to babysit. 

5) I've cut my "get ready" time down to about 15 minutes. And even when I know I have more time to get ready, I still feel the need to rush. Maybe saving money by shortening my showers will even out with the increase in laundry?

6) Find what works best for me, Glenn, and Cooper. It may not necessarily be what the books say or what worked for a friend and her baby, but that's okay.

7) Make sure doctor appointments are not during feeding time. Makes for a very unhappy baby AND annoyed waiting room. 

8) Clothes that look too difficult to put on... Don't need to be in Cooper's closet. Whoever thought that elastic band at the bottom of those cute newborn gowns was a good idea never tried getting that thing on a crying/wiggling baby.

9) Record every TV show I want to watch at night... Even if I think it will be safe to watch, more than likely I'm too tired to watch OR I want to take advantage of Cooper being awake and we play. Plus it gives me something to watch the next morning while Cooper is snoring away.

10) There's nothing sweeter than seeing that first smile. It's gas you say?? Nah, not in my mind. 

11) Sometimes you just gotta laugh. Up to your elbows in poop? Spit up on your shirt? On the 4th outfit of the day because she peed as soon as the diaper came off? Just laugh. And remember it all so that you can embarrass her when she gets older. ;) 

Having a baby has been a blessing yet one of the biggest challenges I have started. Not a day goes by that I thank God for Cooper yet ask for His continual guidance so that we can be good parents to her. Each day gets a little easier. Thankfully Cooper seems pretty patient and doesn't mind that her parents are learning as they go. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

1 month

Cooper, you are officially 1 month old today! It's hard to believe a month has already passed us by. You have grown and changed so much since you entered this world! We took you to the doctor this past week and the doctor says you are doing great! You  weight 8lbs 11.5oz (you have turned into a little chunk-a-munk). You are in the 81th percentile for length, but only 36th percentile for weight. You are going to be tall like your daddy! Your head is in the 92nd percentile!! I keep telling daddy it's because you are so smart. Unfortunately, this means mommy has had to put away a lot of the headbands she bought because they are too small for you! You are out of newborn diapers and clothes... Sometimes the 3 month clothes seem a little big, but you are slowly starting to fill them out. Good thing because we sure have a lot of clothes for you to wear.

We haven't been to too many places. The doctor, both grandparents' houses, your aunt and uncle's house. We did make a quick trip to Target. Too many people are sick and mommy is terrified of germs. It's also been very cold so we've been staying close to home. Mommy is going a little stir crazy, but it's definitely better than you getting sick!

Right now we put you to bed around 9:30ish. You usually make it to about 12:30. You were making it a little longer so we're thinking maybe we need to start giving you a little more to eat at your last feeding for the night. You then go back to sleep pretty easily and wake up again between 4:30-5am. Again, you go back to sleep pretty easily. You've been in your crib since New Year's Eve and don't seem to mind. You may be a little fussy at first, but you usually wear yourself out and go to sleep.

We're working on tummy time. It doesn't seem to be your favorite thing to do.. You last maybe 5-10 minutes and then either a) start crying or b) fall asleep. But you're getting better!

We love you so much! You definitely keep mommy and daddy on our toes. I can't imagine our lives without you, but like I said before, being a mommy is tough! Who would think a grown woman who teaches 26 2nd graders would be so scared of a tiny 8lb baby?! Slowly mommy is learning that we have to do what works best for us and not worry what others say we *should* do. No matter what challenges the days may bring, my absolute favorite part of the day is when I am rocking you to sleep and you just curl up on my shoulder and fall asleep. Those are the moments that I absolutely cherish. I have to enjoy them while I can because I know you won't be little forever!

Just a few pictures from our first month with you!