Friday, September 13, 2013

My hubby

So, those of you who know me, know I am not a sappy person. I am not really into romantic stuff.. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't know how to handle it. I can't even watch it on TV without cringing a little. As much as I love The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, when they are singing songs to each other and declaring their undying love with tattoos, I can't help but let out a little awkward chuckle.

BUT... with that said, I do have to say I've got the best husband ever and I'm so lucky to have him. Our relationship got stronger as we struggled through our fertility issues. He was the strong one when I was the one falling apart. I wish I could have taken a picture of his face when we got the call that we were pregnant. From that moment on, Cooper became the center of our lives. Laying in bed and just daydreaming about how our lives will change as parents and all the things we want to do with Cooper has become a daily occurrence.

Over the past few months, I've come to appreciate him a million times more. He has been an awesome "pregnant husband." He helps me clean, he cooks dinner on the nights he's home, he puts the water on the higher shelf in the fridge so I don't have to bend down so far to get it. I feel our relationship has grown again, but in a different way. I can't imagine sharing this journey with anyone else.

I love listening to Glenn talk about Cooper. Even though it stinks he may not have many weekends off, he will get 2 days off a week for HIS time with Cooper. On his days off, she will not go to childcare, but will stay home with him, and he's already got his days planned out with her. He keeps saying he will just hold her all day (spoiled much?) and they will watch sports. He said he's going to dress her in little basketball shorts, but promises to put a bow or headband on to make me happy. The mental image of them together melts my heart.

I have no doubt Glenn will be an awesome father. He learned everything he knows from an amazing dad who I know is watching down on us everyday from Heaven. I know Glenn is sad his dad cannot be here with us and meet Cooper, but I have no doubt he will know all about her. I keep telling him Cooper is really lucky because she's got 3 guardian angels watching over her -- both my grandparents and Glenn's dad.

I just cannot wait to be a family of 4 (can't leave out Fox). Cooper has no idea how much joy she has already brought to our lives and I know it will only get better once she's here! I'm trying not to wish away the days, BUT, I can't believe but hope December gets here a little sooner. :)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

26 Weeks!

26 weeks as of yesterday! I can't believe we're already that far. The weeks seemed to pass by so slowly in the beginning (probably because we found out way sooner than most that we were pregnant), and now it's speeding by! Being back at work has helped the time go by faster too. Luckily, so far, things have been relatively easy (knock on wood) except for a few minor "normal" pregnancy things.

I did have a slight scare this past week. Up to this point, Miss Cooper has been pretty active. I don't feel her too much during the work day since I'm up and moving around constantly, but I've noticed she likes to start her squirming at night. I usually go upstairs around 9 or so to lay down and watch TV. About 15-20 minutes later, I can feel and see her just a kickin' away! However, last Sunday, I didn't feel anything. It continued till Wednesday night (I felt 3 small kicks) and I started getting worried. I called the nurse first thing the next morning and after finally returning my call, she said to come in and get things checked out. Okay -- major freak out. I left work in a panic and luckily Glenn was able to meet me at the doctor. They were able to find a heartbeat quick with the Doppler, but still had me get an ultrasound to check everything else. THANKFULLY, everything looked perfect! The US Tech said she probably changed positions. Plus, I have an anterior placenta that muffles a good bit of movement. She said most of the things I will feel will be down low. We did get a few good looking pictures of our sweet girl though. (As I'm writing this, my belly keeps wiggling!)

We made an appointment for the 4D/3D ultrasound place in Greenville for the end of September. I'm REALLY looking forward to that! I am NOT looking forward to my next regular doctor's appointment since I'll be doing my glucose test. I just hope I pass and that's it! After that appointment, we'll start going every 2 weeks.
Glenn and I are slowly trying to get some things done around the house to prepare for Cooper. Actually, his brother and him have actually done most of the work. I help when I can. :)  We really just need to go through everything and get rid of stuff we don't need/want. Cooper's stuff is slowly taking over (and I wouldn't have it ANY other way!), and I just want to make sure we've got plenty of room for everything! I did a cleanout at the end of last school year, but I think we need to have another one. It's just difficult during the week because by the time I get home, my brain is fried! I've got 2 showers planned in October so I need to make some progress by then!
Her nursery is almost complete. I'm looking for some decorative pillows to go on the bed in there. I think I may have found some on Etsy (I'm obsessed with Etsy). I need to just convince Glenn how much we need them. I will definitely post pictures as soon as everything is in place!